MTC-Kilimanjaro Boxing Club takes boxing development to remote schools

KATIMA MULILO: The MTC-Kilimanjaro Boxing Club launched a school boxing development programme in Katima Mulilo on Monday, which will be active in seven regions across the country.

Learners at Namalubi Combined School and Bukalo Primary School were introduced to the fundamentals of boxing on the first day of the programme, which is expected to visit more schools before progressing to Kavango West, Kavango East, and the remaining regions.

Club founder Joseph Benhard explained that the programme’s objective is to bring boxing to remote parts of the country while scouting for new talent.

‘Our ultimate goal is to scout raw talent with the introduction of the sport in these remote areas,’ he said.

Benhard said the programme will conclude in August, culminating in a special event hosted in the Oshana Region with selected learners from all seven regions participating.

Mutimani Albius Alfes, the principal of Namalubi school, expressed gratitude and highlighted the significance of sport. He said boxing can create
opportunities for learners.

‘Boxing is one of the sports that can create opportunities for the learners as not all of them will make it in their education, and when the opportunity comes, they can make a living through boxing,’ he remarked.

Alfes urged the club to not just showcase their offerings but to actively engage in training learners from a young age, fostering talent development.

Moowa Richard, a teacher at Bukalo Primary School, shared the sentiment that boxing is a valuable sport, not only locally, but also internationally. He however said it is neglected in rural areas and emphasised the need for a diverse range of sports selections in these areas.

Richard said learners in rural areas often only have access to football and netball, making the boxing programme a significant opportunity for them.

Source: The Namibia Press Agency